We believe that changing the way we produce and distribute food is fundamental to solving the world’s most pressing social and ecological problems.
The Vale Grocer Veg box scheme is seasonal veg delivered to your door. We source as much of our fruit and vegetables from the Vale of Clwyd either grown ourselves or by growers that don't use chemicals. If we have to go further a field we ensure that they are certified Organic.
We pay our suppliers at least 50% of the retail value for any products we buy in, and when dealing with wholesalers, we check to make sure they pay fair prices to their growers.
Local food supports local economies. Food grown in the local community supports local jobs and encourages variety in our diets. It also requires less transportation, so it's fresher and has a smaller environmental footprint.
Great organic veg delivered to my door. And a retail outlet to top up if I need to, stocking other local products. I look forward to different locally grown veg each week and the challenge of cooking something new.
Your first box is only a few clicks away. Get a box of fresh, local food in your kitchen soon, packed with care and supporting your local farmers and artisan producers.